World of Warcraft Classic: Burning Crusade reveals the Burning Crusade

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2 Anni 2 Mesi fa #2566 da anqilan456
World of Warcraft Classic: Burning Crusade reveals the Burning Crusade

There is, of course an option to keep characters from both versions the game, but at an extra cost buy WoTLK Gold . Blizzard has launched a character cloning service (previously $35. and now reduced to $15 following a player complained) that allows players to get two copies of the same character.

The Burning Crusade Classic pre-patch period is significantly shorter than players expected. Blizzard made it clear during its BlizzConline event in January that players could have the opportunity to level up new characters, including new Blood Elf and Draenei characters, prior to the expansion's official launch.

Many players believed that this would be a 4 week pre-patch. That's typically the norm with all pre-patch's in WoW's various expansions over time. However, it appears that the Burning Crusade Classic pre-patch will run for just two weeks and is likely to upset more than some players who believe they're not going to complete the 100+ hours required to reach level 60 in the two weeks that are allowed. The players can continue to level after the expansion is released on June 1. but they will be starting considerably behind players who are already at 60 and are ready to go.

It's worth noting that the initial Burning Crusade pre-patch way back in 2006 ran for six weeks buy WoW WoTLK Classic Gold , however it didn't provide the ability to level in Blood Elf or Draenei characters. It was only added after the official launch of the expansion in January 2007.

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